Today, the three-day program with the theme “The Importance of Preventing Conflict of Interest, The Role of Responsible Authorities according to Kosovar Legislation, Regional and International Practices” successfully ends. This program was developed by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (APK) and the Project against Economic Crime (PECK III) financed by the European Union ( European Union in Kosovo ) and the Council of Europe ( Council of Europe Office in Pristina ). Beneficiaries of the program are officials designated as responsible authorities, who deal with cases of conflict of interest within public institutions and enterprises in Kosovo, at the central and local level.

The participants benefited not only from the APK officials but also from the presentations and conversation about European practices by the specialist of the Council of Europe, Mr. Jeroslavs Strelecenoks and the presentations of colleagues from the region, Mr. Besnik Xhemajli, from the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia, Mrs. Majlinda Thoma from ILDKP of Albania and Mrs. Marina Micunovic, specialist from Montenegro.