Acting Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Besim Kelmendi, hosted the Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, Mr. Yll Buleshkaj, who was accompanied by the Director of the Department for Combating Corruption in this Agency, Mr. I bought Kelmendi.

Strengthening inter-institutional cooperation, overcoming challenges and improving joint work, especially, advancing communication during the implementation of legal requirements, unifying practices through joint activities as well as discussing modalities for the most efficient implementation of the new legislation for fighting corruption, were some of the substantive issues that were discussed in the joint meeting between UD Chief Prosecutor Kelmendi and Director Buleshkaj.

On this occasion, UD Chief State Prosecutor, Besim Kelmendi, emphasized the commitment, need and great importance of bilateral cooperation, especially for the aspects related to the cases of investigations accepted by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.

In this context, the interlocutors agreed that there should be increased commitment and coordination in the more efficient fulfillment of the legal responsibilities of the respective institutions.