In the framework of the cooperation of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (APK) with non-governmental organizations, the Cooperation Agreement was signed today between the Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency Yll Buleshkaj and the Director of the NGO AKTIV Miodrag Milicevic, where the Director of INL, the American Embassy was also present. in Pristina, Mrs. Tamra Greig,

After the adoption of the new legislation which strengthened the Agency’s mandate by giving it additional powers and duties, including the direct sanctioning of officials and the evaluation of the scope for corruption in the legislation, the Agency has taken steps to promote its mandate and the importance of reporting of corruption.

The signed agreement is aimed at raising public awareness about corruption reporting and focuses on reporting corruption in electronic form through a special mobile application implemented within the project of the International Bureau for Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL). ) “Increasing transparency and the rule of law in municipalities with a Serbian majority in Kosovo”.

“The new legislation clarifies the preventive mandate of the Agency. While the Agency continues to consider civil society as an important partner in the process of preventing corruption, especially in the areas where non-majority communities live”, said the director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, Mr. Yll Buleshkaj.

“This collaboration and this mobile application will be used not only by the Serbian community in Kosovo but also by other communities. We believe that this electronic solution will successfully help the communication of citizens with the institutions responsible for preventing and fighting corruption,” said the director of NGO AKTIV, Mr. Miodrag Milicevic

“INL supports Kosovo in efforts to prevent and fight corruption. Trust in institutions can only increase with sincere cooperation of institutions with citizens and civil society” said the director of INL, Mrs. Tamra Greig.

APK and AKTIV thanked the continuous American engagement in Kosovo for the rule of law and the fight against corruption.